Increased value creation capabilities through the creation of New Praxis.
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What is in our DNA
- How we work -
We connect silosFocusing our work on the "in-betweens"; the spaces between people, roles, functions, departments and business units.
We leverage resistance
Inviting the antagonists and the "opposition" forces to dialogue. We have yet to meet an employee who goes to work in the morning with a mission to destroy as much as possible. We all want to do what we believe is best - for the organisation, and also for ourselves. People with opposing views are often a force to be reckoned with. We believe in the power of this force and how it may assist in great momentum when channeled in the right direction.
We drive meaningConstantly working to secure a sense of connection and improved communication and co-constructing social realities. Misinterpretations and misunderstandings often form communication gaps, which in turn creates barriers and disconnects. We create arenas where joint stories can evolve and be retold.
What we are asked to do
Scenarios and Strategy
Scenarios as vehicle for strategic thinking and strategy development
Team and Leadership
We believe every customer wants a program where the investments pay off. Choosing a model for the team or leadership development program where we work with natural teams, the time invested by each individual will be left to a minimum
Organisations and Change
People can create wonders and exceed ambitious targets, but they can also blow the perfect plan by just not really caring. Many leaders experience that getting employees on board is the hardest challenge of all. To leverage people and their potential is the competitive edge of the future.
What our customers say
Sharing a few quotes from great clients and challenging projects during the past year
Fontenehus is an organisation working for better mental health. We are organised with 20 independent houses, who all have their own Managing Director and Board. To fulfill the potential synergies, Oslo Consulting Group has worked with the Managing Directors and Chairmen individually and as a group. This has united us as a team, strengthened our culture and made us more aligned with common structures and direction. Being new in my role, the work we have done with OCG has been essential for me personally - in finding my way of doing things. It is a pleasure to see how we as a team have grown and gotten closer during the process.

Torhild Stimo
Daglig Leder
Oslo Consulting Group supported me in establishing my new Management Team, and in implementing our new strategy, which entailed moving from a hierarchical organization to a cross functional organisation. OCG worked closely both with the executive team as well as the interdisciplinary teams in establishing a common understanding of the strategy, clear mandates to the teams and a new way of working to achieve our goals. Oslo Consulting Group also acted as personal advisor and sparring partner to me as the CEO throughout the process and provided coaching to other individuals in the organization. OCG’s work helped us deliver significant financial and organizational impact as we were able to grow the business, teams became more effective with faster decisions and employee satisfaction improved. I am very pleased with the work OCG did for us, and I give them my greatest recommendations.

Krister Aanesen
CEO, Gjensidige Bank ASA
Verdane continuously trusts Oslo Consulting Group in busines critical projects related to setting the strategic agenda, developing ambitions and leadership, and team and culture optimization. Oslo Consulting Group continuously delivers on the trust by delivering high quality projects and advice. We can warmly recommend Oslo Consulting Group as a trusted and experienced business advisor.

Christopher Parmo
COO, Verdane